The Complete Family
Office Handbook, Second Edition

by Kirby Rosplock, PhD, 2020

The Complete Direct
Investing Handbook

by Kirby Rosplock, PhD, 2017

The Complete Family
Office Handbook, First Edition

by Kirby Rosplock, PhD, 2014

Wealth and Wisdom

by Tom McCullough and Keith Whitaker, 2nd edition, December 2018

Kirby Rosplock, PhD, Contributing Author, “Should You Choose a Single-Family Office or a Multi-Family Office?”

Family Offices, The STEP
Handbook for Advisers

Edited by Barbara R. Hauser, May 2023

Kirby Rosplock, PhD, Contributing Author, “Values, Vision & Mission”

Handbook of Research on
Entrepreneurs’ engagement in
Philanthropy, Perspectives

by Marilyn L. Taylor, Robert J.Strom, David O. Renz, 2014

Frank Hoy and Kirby Rosplock, PhD, Contributing Authors, “Issues in Multi-generation Family Companies”

The Landscape of
Family Business

Edited by Ritch L. Sorenson, Andy Yu, Keith H. Brigham, G. T. Lumpkin, 2013

Kirby Rosplock, PhD, Contributing Author, “Family Dynamics in the Family Business”

Understanding Family

Edited by Alan Carsrud, Malin Brännback, 2012

Kirby Rosplock, PhD and Diane H.B. Welsh, Contributing Authors, “Sustaining Family Wealth: The Impact of the Family Office on the Family Enterprise”

Enabling Next Generation Legacies: 35 Questions that Next Generation Members in Enterprising Families Ask

Enabling Next Generation Legacies by Peter Jaskiewicz and Sabine Rau

Kirby Rosplock and Dianne H. B. Welsh contributed chapter 4.4We Have Wealth. When Should We Set Up a Family Office to Organize it?